Saturday, February 13, 2010

quest 3 wk 7-13

3) I thought roles were interesting, I first assumed that roles and norms were the same basic concept. I now know they are similar but different in certain ways. Norms are the expectations of the groups behavior as a whole, and roles are the expected way you as an individual are supposed to act in the group. I have found that I play many unique roles in many small groups I’m affiliated with. My role in my family, is the oldest sibling. Yay! At times its good, at times there are downfalls. I have a lot of responsibility, mostly when it comes to being a good example for my younger siblings. Growing up I was the tester child.. my parents tested their parenting skills out on me, now the youngest has it easy. Its the way roles go though.

1 comment:

  1. I also thought the concept of role in small group was interesting. Even though I thought I knew the use of roles in a group, I haven’t given it much thought until now. Yes, roles and norms are interconnected. The text quoted role as being “packages of norms.” In other words, the norms that a particular group adopted will be a role that one member of a group performs. For example, if we take one particular class as a group, we can identify number of norms in that particular class; being on time to class, participating in class, asking a relevant questions, respecting others...etc All this norms are packaged in a roll of a student.
