Friday, May 14, 2010

wk. 5/9-15 quest. 2

2) I liked doing the observation of an outside group project. Besides reading the course material I was able to see a real small group in action. I am a member of a small group myself at work, but observing a group from the exterior was very insightful. I got to carefully look at each group member and make connections to the concepts we learned about in our book. When I began writing my essay it was easy to make careful analysis of the group because I already had made these specific connections. My small group was a little small, it would have been more interesting to observe a slightly larger group. I was also disappointed that my group did not have much cultural diversity. I was very intrigued by this communication concept during the course and was upset that I wasn’t able to watch a diverse team group work together. But I was able to discuss how a lack of diversity helped and did not help the group I observed, so it worked out.

1 comment:

  1. Whats funny is that I like the opposite. I like the smaller pieced together group because I felt it was more dynamic. It may have been the particular group I observed and you may have had a more diverse group with no set leader. But I liked the smaller group because from the outside looking in you could see the members of the group develop into the roles they would have if the group were to remain. You saw the leader emerge and the rest kinda submit to that particular person. I guess its all a matter of perspective and opinion.
