Wednesday, April 28, 2010

wk. 4/25-5/2 quest. 3

3) A concept from chapter 12 interested me and put the idea of power into a perspective I didn’t notice at first. Power in context is in all people, yes but it resides in relationships not in individuals. Power is relative to a small group. For example if I were just an individual without a group how exactly would I execute my power? I need to be with other individuals in order to put my power in to work. Harris and Sherblom said that even the smallest amount of power by an individual in the group is still power. The trash hauler has power in the group, just like another community member who may run the neighborhood watch. Every individual should understand that they exude power to their small groups, and it doesn’t matter if the power is great or small. Harris and Sherblom also explained how an individual may feel out of place when in a small group and one may have a different form of power. They should be aware of their power and be proud to be the only on who has it.

1 comment:

  1. I like to say it interesting how you incorporated power into life activities and how this power fueled my mind to respond to your post. We tend to look at power as brute strength or even authority, however, power is within us especially when working in a group setting. Generally speaking, when a group works together and feed of ideas they are using their power. In effective groups, members pursue mutual influence, which leads to higher level of success because there is a synergetic process occurring (Murrell & Meredith, 2000). This Means that people feed off other people’s power and energy, such as ideas. While a person is stuck thinking about an idea another member could throughout an idea which triggers your brain to come up with an idea. I just like to say was good how u used the context of power in daily life excellent.
